الاخبار المتعلقة بــ Category: ورش عمل
September 30
AlShaab University Organizes a Workshop on Traffic Laws Awareness and Promoting Traffic Culture Among University Students
August 2
جامعة الشعب بالتعاون مع الفريق العراقي للأمن السيبراني ( cert) ورشة عمل بعنوان ( الجيل الرقمي : تعزيز الوعي والتطوير في الأمن السيبراني)
June 4
AlShaab University Organizes a Workshop on Developing Essential Skills for Medical Instrumentation Techniques Engineers in Collaboration with Blue Sail Company
May 4
May 1
April 30
AlShaab University, in collaboration with the Coding For Kids initiative and the Central Bank of Iraq - Financial Inclusion Department, is organizing three workshops for children
January 24
Workshop at the College of Health and Medical Technologies at AlShaab University: Training the teaching laboratory staff on the use of modern laboratory equipment.
January 10
Scientific Workshop at AlShaab University Explores the Details of Implementing the Bologna Process
December 2
November 22
November 21
غداً في العاشرة صباحاً (مخاطر المخدرات وتأثيرها على المجتمع وطرق مكافحتها) في المكتبة المركزية
November 11
October 30
تحميل المزيد من الاخبار
September 30
AlShaab University Organizes a Workshop on Traffic Laws Awareness and Promoting Traffic Culture Among University Students
August 2
جامعة الشعب بالتعاون مع الفريق العراقي للأمن السيبراني ( cert) ورشة عمل بعنوان ( الجيل الرقمي : تعزيز الوعي والتطوير في الأمن السيبراني)
June 4
AlShaab University Organizes a Workshop on Developing Essential Skills for Medical Instrumentation Techniques Engineers in Collaboration with Blue Sail Company
May 4
May 1
April 30
AlShaab University, in collaboration with the Coding For Kids initiative and the Central Bank of Iraq - Financial Inclusion Department, is organizing three workshops for children
January 24
Workshop at the College of Health and Medical Technologies at AlShaab University: Training the teaching laboratory staff on the use of modern laboratory equipment.
January 10
Scientific Workshop at AlShaab University Explores the Details of Implementing the Bologna Process
December 2
November 22
November 21
غداً في العاشرة صباحاً (مخاطر المخدرات وتأثيرها على المجتمع وطرق مكافحتها) في المكتبة المركزية
November 11
October 30
تحميل المزيد من الاخبار