Under the slogan "Be a Hero and Save Lives," Al-Shaab University, in collaboration and coordination with the Fikra Foundation for the Development of Engineering and Medical Specialties and the Iraqi Paramedic Team, held a scientific and training workshop on the topic of first aid. The workshop took place in the Central Library Hall of the university. It was conducted by the international trainer and combat medic, Murtadha Al-Ghaleb. The workshop included theoretical information about the topic of first aid and how to develop specific skills related to it. It highlighted the importance of first aid in saving the lives of individuals who suffer injuries due to accidents or medical conditions. Practical applications on methods and techniques of providing aid to the injured, as well as treating urgent and emergent cases, were demonstrated. Assistance was given to them before the arrival of advanced medical support.
At the end of the training workshop, which received significant engagement from the attendees, certificates of appreciation were distributed to the participants.