AlShaab University organizes a workshop on drug abuse prevention

In pursuit of a safe and stable educational environment and aiming to raise awareness about the risks of drug abuse and its negative impacts on society, AlShaab University, in collaboration with the Iraqi National Security Service - Training and Development Directorate and the University Security Directorate, organized a workshop titled "The Risks of Drugs and Their Impact on Society and Methods of Combating Them" on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at the Ibn Sina Hall in the university building. The workshop was attended by the Assistant President of the University for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Khamees Abdullah Ali, along with several professors, lecturers, and students of the university.
The workshop, presented by Dr. Colonel Karar Musafir from the Training and Development Directorate at the National Security Apparatus, covered an introduction to the dangers of drug abuse and its adverse health, social, economic, and security effects on society, especially educational and educational institutions that include youth and adolescents. It also reviewed the underlying reasons driving individuals to drug use, addiction, or trafficking. Dr. Musafir emphasized the necessity of concerted efforts from all institutions and individuals to combat this phenomenon, which has been spreading globally.
Moreover, the workshop included video presentations showcasing some of the raids conducted by specialized security agencies against drug traffickers, as well as the setting of traps to arrest and prosecute them in accordance with the law. The workshop witnessed interventions, questions, and inquiries from the attendees, enriching the discussion with valuable information.
Finally, certificates of appreciation were distributed to the participants in the workshop.

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