College of Health and Medical Technology
Department of Radiology Technology
Department Overview
The Radiology Technology Department is one of the active and important departments at AlShaab University in the field of medical technology. It focuses on the study, use, and maintenance of diagnostic radiology and imaging equipment, which aids in diagnosing various diseases and cancers using the latest diagnostic medical imaging technologies. Over four years of study, students receive theoretical lectures, laboratory practical training, and clinical field applications aimed at enhancing skills and developing capabilities.
Admission Entries
- Scientific
- Biology
- Top Graduates of Technical Institutes (Legal Administration Law)
- Police Commissioner Preparation Institute
The department accepts graduates of preparatory studies in its scientific branches (biology and applied science), the literary branch, and the Police Commissioners Institute.
Daytime study GPA
- Daytime study GPA
- 69.5
Tuition Fees for the Academic Year 2024/2025
- Daytime classes tuition fees
- 2,000,000
Daytime and Evening Study Choices
Admission is available for Daytime classes only at the university
- Daytime Classes
Department vision
The Radiology Technology Department aims to be a leading and reference department both locally and globally in academic, practical, technical, and research applications to serve the community by achieving global excellence in education, research, and innovation. This includes pioneering teaching methods, technical laboratory, and field training in collaboration with government and private health institutions, and advancing radiology technology through advanced research. The department also strives to offer outstanding educational opportunities for students, trainees, and practicing radiologists through training courses, continuing education programs, and academic activities.
Department Mission
To lead and excel as a technical educational institution dedicated to preparing and graduating highly skilled national human resources to supply the workforce of government and private health institutions with competent medical technicians. To be a primary source of applied research that supports the economy and fosters a spirit of fair competition among students to achieve academic, professional, and innovative excellence. To raise the quality of radiology technology education by developing students' skills and ensuring their access to knowledge through adopting and innovating the latest techniques in training and practical application, as well as the best academic curricula and programs. To enhance final-year research projects for fourth-year students to align with global scientific and technical advancements and to provide practical benefits to society.
Objectives of the Department
1- تمكين خريجي قسم تقنيات الاشعة من الحصول على مهارات دقيقة وذاتمستوى يتوافق مع المعايير العالمية في القدرة على تفسير وتحليل البيانات.
2- أن يكون القسم قادرا على تقديم الاستشارة في مجال الاشعاع والتصويرالطبي التشخيصي والعلاجي للأطباء والمستشفيات الحكومية والأهليةوالمرضى والمجتمع المحلي.
3- اعداد خريجين قادرين على تقديم الخدمات الطبية ذات العلاقة لجميع المرضى والتعاطف معهم واحترامهم دون المس بكرامتهم.
4- العمل على جعل سلامة وأمن المريض في المقام الاول اثناء التصويرالإشعاعي.
5- تعليم الطلبة الاستخدام السليم والآمن والمناسب لتقنيات التصوير الطبيالاشعاعي لتحقيق الفائدة العظمى للمرضى
6- رفع وتطوير مستوى المعارف والمهارات لطلبة القسم وتحسين مسارهمالتقني والوظيفي في الأشعة اثناء دراستهم الجامعية في الكلية وبعد تخرجهممنها، من خلال التدريب والتعليم المستمر.
7- تخريج كادر محترف ومؤهل للعمل على استخدام وادامة اجهزة الأشعةوالتصوير الطبي في المستشفيات الحكومية والأهلية والعيادات الطبية المختلفة.
8- نشر المعرفة والثقافة العامة في مجال الأشعة والتصوير الطبي في وسطالمجتمع المحلي من خلال اقامة المعارض والندوات العامة واستخدام وسائلالاعلام المختلفة.
Job Description for the Graduate
The duration of study in the department is four years, after which graduates are awarded a Bachelor’s degree in Radiology Technology. This degree qualifies them to work in the operation, use, and maintenance of various radiology imaging devices, including X-ray machines, CT scanners, MRI machines, and ultrasound devices (sonar), under the supervision of a specialist radiologist.
Job title for department graduates
- تقني طبي- اشعة