College of Health and Medical Technology

Department of Medical Physics

Department Overview

The department was founded in the academic year 2023-2024 based on a letter from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Supervision and Scientific Evaluation Apparatus / Private Education Department, numbered (Ref/0000), dated 2023/10/00. The department meets the requirements and applications of modern medical practice from a scientific perspective. It covers fundamental principles and modern physics methods for disease diagnosis and treatment. Graduates acquire advanced skills in the use of physical devices and equipment in the field of medical physics to work in all government and private medical hospitals and centers.

Admission Entries

The Tuition Fees For The Academic Year 2024/2023.

Daytime and Evening Study Choices

Admission is available for Daytime classes only at the university

Duration of Study and Teaching System

Degree Title

Job title for department graduates

Graduates of the department hold the title "Assistant Medical Physicist" in the field of Medical Physics.

Fields of Work and Job Descriptions

The department is responsible for preparing graduates who are qualified to meet the needs of the job market in the fields of medical physics. This is achieved through the use of modern and advanced techniques in various medical treatments, such as radiation therapy, laser applications, diagnosis, and medical imaging, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Graduates are well-prepared to work in all hospitals, healthcare centers, diagnostic facilities, and modern treatments in both the public and private sectors.

Department Head

Academic Title:Lecturer
Academic Degree: PhD
General Specialization: Agricultural Sciences

Department Chair

Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
التخصص العام : تقنيات احيائية

Academic Members

Academic Title:Professor
Academic Degree: PhD
General Specialization: Physics Sciences
Academic Title:Lecturer
Academic Degree: PhD
General Specialization: Physics Sciences
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
التخصص العام : هندسة كهربائية
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
General Specialization: Physics Sciences