College of Engineering and Information Technology

Department of Medical Instrumentation Techniques

Department Overview

Providing modern and vital specializations that focus on the study of the human body from an engineering perspective to enhance the functionality of medical devices and make them a supportive factor for physicians in all stages, from diagnosis to treatment. The field of Medical Device Engineering is closely related to various engineering branches such as electrical engineering, electronic engineering, and mechanical engineering.
The College of Engineering and Information Technology at the Slshaab's University has ensured that the study period in the department extends to four years, during which students study subjects related to electrical circuits, digital electronics, as well as medical physics and chemistry. Upon successfully completing the coursework, students are awarded a Bachelor's degree in Medical Device Engineering.

Admission Entries

The department accepts graduates of preparatory studies in their scientific branches (Biology and Applied), as well as graduates of the industrial branch (Electronics and Control – Medical Devices). Additionally, the department admits the top ten students from the Institute of Medical Devices.

الاجور الدراسية للعام الدراسي 2025/2024

Daytime and Evening Study Choices

Admission is available for both daytime and evening classes at the university.

The Tuition Fees For The Academic Year 2024/2023.




Objectives of the Department

  • Specialized engineers in the field of Medical Device Engineering with the ability to keep up with technological advancements and repair various medical devices.
  • To build a medical engineering team capable of installing and operating various medical devices. 
  • To equip students with diverse skills that enable them to attain advanced roles in government and private sector institutions.
  • To provide healthcare institutions with specialized personnel who contribute to finding alternatives and solutions to problems arising from medical devices.

Department photos

Head of the Department of Medical Instrumentation Techniques

Academic Title:Lecturer
Academic Degree: PhD
التخصص العام : هندسة السيطرة والحاسبات

Academic Members

Academic Title:Professor
Academic Degree: PhD
التخصص العام : علوم سياسية
Academic Title:Professor
Academic Degree: PhD
التخصص العام : كيمياء حياتية
Academic Title:Assistant Professor
Academic Degree: PhD
التخصص العام : فيزياء
Academic Title:Assistant Professor
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
التخصص العام : السيطرة والنظم
Academic Title:Lecturer
Academic Degree: PhD
التخصص العام : Control Science and Engineering
التحصيل الدراسي : بورد عربي
التخصص العام : طب
Academic Title:Lecturer
Academic Degree: PhD
التخصص العام : هندسة حاسبات ووتكنولوجيا المعلومات
Academic Title:Lecturer
Academic Degree: PhD
التخصص العام : الفقة
Academic Title:Lecturer
Academic Degree: PhD
General Specialization: Chemistry Sciences
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : دبلوم معادل للماجستير
التخصص العام : طب وجراحة الفم والاسنان
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
التخصص العام : هندسة ميكانيك
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
التخصص العام : هندسة صناعية
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
التخصص العام : هندسة ميكاترونكس
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
التخصص العام : هندسة كهرباء
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
التخصص العام : علو م الفيزياء
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
التخصص العام : هندسة طب حياتي
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
التخصص العام : علوم
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
التخصص العام : هندسة الحاسوب
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
التخصص العام : هندسة الميكاترونكس