
الاخبار المتعلقة بــ Category: الندوات

June 4
AlShaab University Organizes an Awareness Seminar on Women's Rights in Society
April 22
AlShaab University hosts a scientific seminar on the preventive measures and precautionary measures of the Ministry of Interior to preserve societal security
April 4
AlShaab University hosts an extensive panel discussion on the Federal Service Council and its role in appointments
April 2
AlShaab University is hosting a panel discussion titled '(The Federal Service Council and its Role in Appointments)' , with His Excellency the President of the Federal Service Council as the keynote speaker
March 27
AlShaab University, in collaboration with Al-Rashid Municipality, organizes an awareness seminar on the topic of climate change
March 9
AlShaab University is hosting an awareness seminar on the role of Iraqi women in drafting the Iraqi Constitution in 2005
March 8
Panel Discussion at AlShaab University on the Occasion of International Women's Day: "The Role of Iraqi Women in Drafting the Iraqi Constitution 2005
February 19
The Department of Information Technology organized two practical seminars addressing a vital and important topic related to the document of policies and standards for information security and data sharing
December 17
يوم النصر العظيم وانتخابات مجالس المحافظات: تأملات في الأوضاع السياسية والاقتصادية في العراق
December 14
تقيم جامعة الشعب ندوة حوارية بعنوان ( يوم النصر العظيم وأهمية الانتخابات المحلية في بناء الدولة)، يوم السبت المصادف 16 / 12 / 2023
November 25
مشاركة جامعة الشعب في أعمال المؤتمر الدولي الثالث لتكنولوجيا النفط والبتروكيماويات
November 5
ندوة علمية بعنوان ( تداعيات أزمة المياه على الاقتصاد الزراعي العراقي)
November 5
جلسة حوارية حول موضوع العراق والتغير المناخي ( انعكاسات الامن والتنمية)
November 5
ندوة علمية حول التعريف والتوعية بمرض سرطان الثدي
October 17
College of Law Seminar: Integration of International Humanitarian Law into National Laws
October 15
College of Law Seminar: Integration of International Humanitarian Law into National Laws
September 11
جامعة الشعب تنظم ندوة تعريفية بتكنولوجيا المعلومات للاساتذة والتدريسيين في الجامعة
June 3
AlShaab University Participates in Symposium on Japanese Education System
May 28
Banking Services Awareness Seminar Held at AlShaab
May 23
AlShaab University Holds Symposium on Drug Issues
May 17
AlShaab University Holds Symposium on Cybercrime
May 13
AlShaab University Holds Symposium on Constitutional Amendments
March 8
AlShaab University Commemorates International Women’s Day
January 26
Ministry of Interior, AlShaab University, Hold a Academic Symposium on Domestic Violence Legislation
January 25
Drawing the Hamza in Arabic : A Seminar by AlShaab University’s Faculty of Law
تحميل المزيد من الاخبار
June 4
AlShaab University Organizes an Awareness Seminar on Women's Rights in Society
April 22
AlShaab University hosts a scientific seminar on the preventive measures and precautionary measures of the Ministry of Interior to preserve societal security
April 4
AlShaab University hosts an extensive panel discussion on the Federal Service Council and its role in appointments
April 2
AlShaab University is hosting a panel discussion titled '(The Federal Service Council and its Role in Appointments)' , with His Excellency the President of the Federal Service Council as the keynote speaker
March 27
AlShaab University, in collaboration with Al-Rashid Municipality, organizes an awareness seminar on the topic of climate change
March 9
AlShaab University is hosting an awareness seminar on the role of Iraqi women in drafting the Iraqi Constitution in 2005
March 8
Panel Discussion at AlShaab University on the Occasion of International Women's Day: "The Role of Iraqi Women in Drafting the Iraqi Constitution 2005
February 19
The Department of Information Technology organized two practical seminars addressing a vital and important topic related to the document of policies and standards for information security and data sharing
December 17
يوم النصر العظيم وانتخابات مجالس المحافظات: تأملات في الأوضاع السياسية والاقتصادية في العراق
December 14
تقيم جامعة الشعب ندوة حوارية بعنوان ( يوم النصر العظيم وأهمية الانتخابات المحلية في بناء الدولة)، يوم السبت المصادف 16 / 12 / 2023
November 25
مشاركة جامعة الشعب في أعمال المؤتمر الدولي الثالث لتكنولوجيا النفط والبتروكيماويات
November 5
ندوة علمية بعنوان ( تداعيات أزمة المياه على الاقتصاد الزراعي العراقي)
November 5
جلسة حوارية حول موضوع العراق والتغير المناخي ( انعكاسات الامن والتنمية)
November 5
ندوة علمية حول التعريف والتوعية بمرض سرطان الثدي
October 17
College of Law Seminar: Integration of International Humanitarian Law into National Laws
October 15
College of Law Seminar: Integration of International Humanitarian Law into National Laws
September 11
جامعة الشعب تنظم ندوة تعريفية بتكنولوجيا المعلومات للاساتذة والتدريسيين في الجامعة
June 3
AlShaab University Participates in Symposium on Japanese Education System
May 28
Banking Services Awareness Seminar Held at AlShaab
May 23
AlShaab University Holds Symposium on Drug Issues
May 17
AlShaab University Holds Symposium on Cybercrime
May 13
AlShaab University Holds Symposium on Constitutional Amendments
March 8
AlShaab University Commemorates International Women’s Day
January 26
Ministry of Interior, AlShaab University, Hold a Academic Symposium on Domestic Violence Legislation
January 25
Drawing the Hamza in Arabic : A Seminar by AlShaab University’s Faculty of Law
تحميل المزيد من الاخبار