For the purpose of increasing legal awareness, promoting legal culture, and understanding the provisions of international humanitarian law and its importance in society, the College of Law at Alshaab University organized a scientific seminar titled "Integration of International Humanitarian Law into National Laws." The event was attended by Professor Dr. Khamees Abdullah Ali, the Assistant University President for Administrative Affairs, and Dr. Ali Mohammed Namaa, the Dean of the College of Law, along with several professors and lecturers from Alshaab University. The seminar, which featured presentations by Dr. Haider Adham Abdul Hadi, Ms. Fatimah Diaa, and Ms. Jumana Mahdi, focused on introducing international humanitarian law, its sources, goals, and fundamental principles. These principles revolve around the protection of civilians and other protected categories in armed conflicts that occur in their regions, whether they are local or international. The seminar also discussed preventing humanitarian violations committed by conflicting parties against these individuals. It further elaborated on the mechanisms and methods adopted by all countries and the world in integrating international law into national and local laws, and activating their legislations in a manner that aligns with the internal laws of these countries.
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