AlShaab University Holds Symposium on Constitutional Amendments


The College of Law at AlShaab University organized a symposium entitled Amending the 2005 Constitution of Iraq, Necessity or Risk.

.The symposium was attended by Assistant Professor Dr. Youssef Khalaf Youssef, AlShaab University President, Judge Wael Abdel Latif, representatives of the advisors to the President of the Republic and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as well as specialists in political and legal affairs and a number of university faculty and staff members.

Before the start of the session University president Dr. Youssef Khalaf Youssef delivered a welcome speech. This symposium was an opportunity to shed light on important legal issues, most notably the issue of constitutional amendments, and to discuss this topic in an objective and legal manner that leads to theoretical advancement and practical results in the first dialogue session dealing with the issues of the constitution and its legislation.

Dr. Ali Al-Dabhawi faculty member of the College of Law reviewed the stages that the Iraqi constitution has gone through since the establishment of the Iraqi state since 2005, pointing out that there are many legal loopholes and points of contention in some articles and paragraphs of the current constitution. These require reformulation as voices demanding an amendment to the constitution continue to rise.

After that, Dr. Ali Al-Yaqoubi, a member of the Constitutional Amendments Committee in the Presidency of the Republic, began the symposium by reviewing the general conditions that Iraq went through after 2003, the security and political events that coincided with the writing and approval of the Constitution in 2005, and the most prominent challenges and dilemmas that accompanied the progress of its legislation and the mechanisms that must be followed in the event that any action is taken. He posited that an amendment to the current constitution, which he considered as the last line of defense to protect the political process in Iraq, would pose a risk that would lead to the collapse of the entire political system under the current regional political atmosphere.

After that, the discussion was opened for attendees to pose questions and share opinions, which enriched the symposium.

جامعة الشعب | جامعة الشعب تقيم ندوة حوارية حول موضوع التعديلات الدستورية

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