
الاخبار المتعلقة بــ Category: كلية الهندسة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات

July 17
Participation of the Head of the Cybersecurity Engineering Department at AlShaab University in the Committee for Introducing Cybersecurity as a Specialization in High School Studies
June 11
Professor Abbas Fadhil Al-Jubouri Participates in a Workshop on Machine Learning on Low-Power Devices
June 9
مشاركة رئيس قسم هندسة تقنيات الأجهزة الطبية بجامعة الشعب في أعمال المؤتمر العلمي الخامس لبحوث تقنيات الهندسة الكهربائية
June 4
AlShaab University Organizes a Workshop on Developing Essential Skills for Medical Instrumentation Techniques Engineers in Collaboration with Blue Sail Company
May 8
The head of the Civil Engineering Department at AlShaab University participated in the scientific seminar at The University of Mosul
May 6
Students of the Department of Medical Instrumentation Techniques at AlShaab University engage in virtual laboratory experiments
April 28
The Civil Engineering Department at AlShaab University honors its distinguished students
April 24
The students of the Department of Medical Instrumentation Techniques are taking the joint evaluation test
March 5
Scientific Visit for Students of the Biomedical Engineering Technologies Department to Al-Shamaa and URGENN Laboratories
March 2
Scientific Visit for University Students to the Baghdad Artificial Limbs Center
February 26
The Visit of the Department of Medical Instrumentation Techniques to the Al-Manara Al-Zarqa Scientific Office for Medical Devices
January 17
Enhancing Scientific Collaboration and Practical Training: Field Visit by the Civil Engineering Department at AlShaab University to Alnahrayn University
تحميل المزيد من الاخبار
July 17
Participation of the Head of the Cybersecurity Engineering Department at AlShaab University in the Committee for Introducing Cybersecurity as a Specialization in High School Studies
June 11
Professor Abbas Fadhil Al-Jubouri Participates in a Workshop on Machine Learning on Low-Power Devices
June 9
مشاركة رئيس قسم هندسة تقنيات الأجهزة الطبية بجامعة الشعب في أعمال المؤتمر العلمي الخامس لبحوث تقنيات الهندسة الكهربائية
June 4
AlShaab University Organizes a Workshop on Developing Essential Skills for Medical Instrumentation Techniques Engineers in Collaboration with Blue Sail Company
May 8
The head of the Civil Engineering Department at AlShaab University participated in the scientific seminar at The University of Mosul
May 6
Students of the Department of Medical Instrumentation Techniques at AlShaab University engage in virtual laboratory experiments
April 28
The Civil Engineering Department at AlShaab University honors its distinguished students
April 24
The students of the Department of Medical Instrumentation Techniques are taking the joint evaluation test
March 5
Scientific Visit for Students of the Biomedical Engineering Technologies Department to Al-Shamaa and URGENN Laboratories
March 2
Scientific Visit for University Students to the Baghdad Artificial Limbs Center
February 26
The Visit of the Department of Medical Instrumentation Techniques to the Al-Manara Al-Zarqa Scientific Office for Medical Devices
January 17
Enhancing Scientific Collaboration and Practical Training: Field Visit by the Civil Engineering Department at AlShaab University to Alnahrayn University
تحميل المزيد من الاخبار