The head of the Civil Engineering Department at AlShaab University participated in the scientific seminar at The University of Mosul


Dr. Ziad Suleiman Mohammed, the head of the Civil Engineering Department at AlShaab University, participated in the proceedings and sessions of the scientific seminar titled "Procedures and Requirements for Obtaining National Accreditation from The Iraqi Council of Accreditation for Engineering Education." The seminar was organized by the College of Engineering at The University of Mosul in collaboration with The Iraqi Council of Accreditation for Engineering Education, on Thursday, May 2, 2024.
The seminar comprised two sessions attended by the head of the Civil Engineering Department at AlShaab University, along with specialized professors and academics. The sessions covered lectures on the Iraqi Council for Accreditation of Engineering Education and National Accreditation Standards, including an overview, successful experiences in the accreditation of energy and renewable energy programs, and outcome-based education and accreditation standards. Additionally, there was a discussion on accreditation observations for engineering departments.

The College of Engineering at The University of Mosul expressed gratitude and appreciation to the lecturing professors for their valuable contributions to the seminar and the insightful information shared, which benefited the faculty members.


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