As part of AlShaab University's efforts to support ministries and educational institutions with academic and scientific expertise, Assistant Professor Dr. Ismail Khalil Ali, Head of the Cybersecurity Engineering Department in the College of Engineering and Information Technology at AlShaab University, participated in the committee assigned by the Ministry of Education - Directorate General of Vocational Education. The committee's task was to study the introduction of the Cybersecurity specialization in vocational high schools. This project aligns with the recent significant governmental focus on developing scientific studies in the field of Cybersecurity within Iraq's education sector.
Participation of the Head of the Cybersecurity Engineering Department at AlShaab University in the Committee for Introducing Cybersecurity as a Specialization in High School Studies
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كلية الهندسة و تكنولوجيا المعلومات Department of Cybersecurity Engineering
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