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Visit of AlShaab University to the National Data Center

As part of the Scientific and Student Activities Week organized by AlShaab University, the Department of Artificial and Data Science arranged a scientific visit to the National Data Center at the Council of Ministers. The visit was led by the University President, Prof. Dr Yousif Al-Dunainawi, along with Professor Alaa Al-Hammami, the department head, and Mr. Wadah Abdul Hamza, a faculty member in the department. During the visit, the center director provided a comprehensive explanation of the services offered by the National Data Center, emphasizing the importance of the stored information. Future plans for center development and provision of better services to the Iraqi people were also discussed. Additionally, the visitors had the opportunity to explore modern equipment and its storage locations, as well as the security system designed to protect them. The visit proved to be very beneficial for the students as they gained insight into highly modern applications and witnessed the efforts made by the center's working team.


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