Professor Abbas Fadhil Al-Jubouri Participates in a Workshop on Machine Learning on Low-Power Devices


Professor Abbas Fadhil Al-Jubouri, Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs at the College of Engineering and Information Technology at AlShaab University, participated in the "Workshop on Machine Learning on Low-Power Devices: Applications and Advanced Topics" (conducted remotely).

The workshop, held at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy, from May 6 to May 10, 2024, was sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency and UNESCO.

The workshop covered the following topics:
-Introduction to TinyML
-The TinyML Development Workflow
-TinyML Applications
-Scientific Applications of ML
-Recent Research and Advanced Topics in TinyML

TinyML enables machine learning technologies to perform on-device sensor data analysis with significantly low power consumption, paving the way for developing new applications at an affordable cost, exceptionally and on an unlimited scale.

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