AlShaab University Holds Lecture Entitled "ظ and ض in the Arabic Language” on the Linguistic Quandary of the Two Letters

The AlShaab University College of Law held a workshop entitled "ظ and ض in the Arabic Language” in its central hall on Monday, February 13, 2023. Students from the various colleges of the university attended this open lecture because of the relevance of the workshop topic to all university employees and students interested in mastering the nuances of the Arabic language.

The lecture was given by Professor Dr. Khamis Abdullah Ali, Assistant to the President of the University for Administrative Affairs, in the Mustansiriya Arabic Languages. It was attended by a number of professors from various colleges and departments, and students participated to benefit from the content of the workshop that discussed the historical evolution of the letters ظ and ض , their linguistic significance, and the proper written forms of the letters Professor Dr. Khamis Abdullah Ali gave an explanation of the rule of their pronunciation: it comes from the far edges of the tongue to the lowest, passing through the jaws, and how the meaning can change by simply drawing out the letter, with examples being given.

The researcher touched on the reason why the Arabic language is called the Arabic language.  She explained that it is because of the difficulty of pronouncing the letter ض for non-Arabs and the difficulty of the language for non-Arabs. The beginner has to memorize the pronunciation to avoid making mistakes which make one sound uneducated or unintelligent.  This is especially important for students at the university, as the language and its mastery are among the basic skills that the student acquires at the beginning of his academic career.

جامعة الشعب | الضاد والظاء في اللغة العربية ... ورشة عمل مهمة تبين معضلة اللغة في هذين الحرفين اقامتها جامعة الشعب
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