Professor Manahil Mustafa Leads Workshop Hosted by the Department of Banking and Financial Sciences


The Department of Banking and Financial Sciences in AlShaab University’s College of Business held a workshop on Sunday, January 8 entitled (Key Points in Analyzing the Principle of Substitution and Income) presented by Professor Manahil Mustafa Abdel Hamid.

The workshop was attended by College of Business faculty members as well as the dean, Dr. Faris Mahdi Alwan, and the head of the department, Dr. Arshad Fouad Majeed. The workshop provided participants with information on the principle of substitution and income, knowledge which Dr. Manahil obtained while getting a patent in economics.

The workshop was also attended by the university's guest, Mr. James Wan, Chinese engineer, who expressed his admiration for the university’s skill-based teaching approach as well as for its administrative staff and students.

جامعة الشعب | قسم العلوم المالية والمصرفية يقيم ورشة عمل للبرفيسور مناهل مصطفى
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