AlShaab University Organizes a Workshop on Traffic Laws Awareness and Promoting Traffic Culture Among University Students

In an effort to spread traffic culture and enhance awareness among university students, faculty, and staff, AlShaab University, in collaboration with the Baghdad Traffic Directorate - Karkh, organized a workshop on Sunday, September 29, 2024. The workshop was presented by Brigadier General Nasir Abdul Sattar Shehab, Director of Public Relations and Media at the Baghdad Traffic Directorate - Karkh, and Colonel Jawad Kazem Ali, Commander of the Dora Traffic Sector, with the attendance of Prof. Dr. Khamees Abdullah Ali, Vice President for Administrative Affairs, and Assistant Prof. Dr. Bilal Rasheed Abdul Majeed, Vice President for Scientific Affairs, as well as a number of faculty members and students.

The workshop focused on explaining traffic laws and regulations, emphasizing the importance of citizens adhering to and correctly implementing these rules. It also highlighted the need to follow traffic instructions, safety principles in vehicle operation, and the proper use of roads and public pathways to avoid traffic accidents. Additionally, the session covered the functioning and role of the Traffic Directorates in Baghdad, particularly their responsibility for organizing vehicle movement and ensuring smooth traffic flow in major streets and vital areas, especially during peak hours and the start and end of official working hours at most government and non-government institutions.

The attendees' questions and contributions added significant value to the workshop.



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