AlShaab University Welcomes a Significant Delegation from the Iraqi Defence University for Higher Military Studies

A delegation from the Iraqi Defence University for Higher Military Studies, represented by Lieutenant General Dr. Aqeel Mustafa Mahdi, the university's president, Major General Abbas Khalaf, Director of the Military Studies Center, and Brigadier Dr. Hazem Dawood Mohsen, visited AlShaab University. They were welcomed by the university's president,Prof. Dr Yousif Al-Dunainawi, along with several professors and faculty members.

During the visit, discussions were held on strengthening and deepening cooperation and scientific exchange between the two universities. The focus was on developing joint academic programs, organizing scientific visits, workshops, and conferences to support and promote scientific innovations and strengthen the research process. Additionally, efforts to enhance and advance the educational process were discussed.

The visiting delegation, accompanied by the president of AlShaab University, then conducted a field tour that included the university's key facilities, classrooms, scientific laboratories, main departments, modern buildings, and construction projects.
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