الاختبار العراقي الوطني للغة الانكليزية الموحد (INELT)

AlShaab University announces its readiness to welcome applicants for postgraduate studies for the upcoming academic year, in order to administer the Unified Iraqi National English Language Test


AlShaab University announces its readiness to receive applicants for postgraduate studies for the upcoming academic year, to conduct the Unified Iraqi National English Language Test (INELT). The test will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays of each week, starting from March 4th until April 29th, 2024, for a duration of one hour, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. The university has made all necessary preparations and arrangements to ensure a smooth conduct of the exam, with advanced computer laboratories designed according to the latest global standards, equipped with sophisticated electronic devices and high-speed internet, as the university is connected to an integrated system.


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