The University of the AlShaab welcomes Dr. Arshad Al-Tamimi to the Department of Banking and Financial Sciences


Dr. Arshad Al-Tamimi, who holds a PhD in Business Administration with a specialization in Finance and Banking from Al-Mustansiriya University, joined the faculty of AlShaab University as head of the Banking and Financial Sciences Department. Dr. Arshad Al-Tamimi has more than fifty active research publications within Scopus in Iraqi, Arab, and international journals, and he has supervised several master's theses and doctoral dissertations throughout his career.

جامعة الشعب | جامعة الشعب ترحب بالاستاذ الدكتور ارشد التميمي بانضمامهِ رئيساً لقسمِ العلوم المالية والمصرفية

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