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The fourth batch of the Riyada Initiative course

As part of the first day of training for the fourth batch of the Riyada Initiative course, launched earlier by Prime Minister Engineer Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani, which focuses on developing and employing graduates and job-seeking youth, empowering them, enhancing their creative potential, and creating an effective environment to invest in their skills and train them to secure suitable job opportunities that align with their capabilities and aspirations, as well as assisting them in funding their own projects, AlShaab University hosted the training sessions.

Trainer Haider Mahdi provided information about the Riyada Initiative and its goals, along with a detailed explanation of brainstorming and its importance to the trainees. He engaged with the trainees by exploring and discussing their individual projects extensively, aiming to find quick and effective solutions to overcome the challenges and obstacles that may hinder the establishment and growth of small projects.

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