Alshaab University

College of Dentistry

College Overview

The College of Dentistry is one of the important colleges at AlShaab University, admitting high school graduates from the scientific branch with an average grade of no less than 85%.
The duration of study at the college is five years and is divided into two stages:
The first stage: This consists of three years primarily focused on studying basic medical sciences, such as medical physics, medical chemistry, medical biology, and some specialized courses.
The second stage: This includes the fourth and fifth years, where students spend most of their time in the teaching hospital, treating patients who come to the hospital affiliated with the college.
Upon completing the requirements, the student graduates with a Bachelor’s degree in Oral and Dental Medicine and Surgery.

Admission Entries

The department accepts graduates of preparatory studies in its scientific branches (biology and applied science), the literary branch, and the Police Commissioners Institute.

Daytime study GPA

Tuition Fees for the Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration of Study and Teaching System

Degree Title

Daytime and Evening Study Choices

Admission is available for Daytime classes only at the university

Specialization and Career Fields

Our college specializes in graduating dentists with high qualifications in their profession, enabling them to work as skilled dentists, treating patients with efficiency and professionalism. The college degree will also qualify them to pursue postgraduate studies in all academic and professional specializations within the various fields of dentistry.

Skill Pathways

One of the main priorities the college strives for is to create a competitive environment among students to enhance teamwork skills, which are essential pillars in the field of dentistry. Competition will undoubtedly foster individual personal skills, serving as a strong motivation to elevate group skills, which will greatly contribute to graduating outstanding students in the profession of dentistry. The college's teaching staff will possess the highest level of scientific and academic skills, which they will, in turn, impart to the students.

Interpersonal Skills

تسعى كلية طب الأسنان الى ابراز المهارات الشخصية لدى الطلبة
والتي بالأمكان ايجازها فيما يلي

  • الجدارة وتحمل المسؤلية
  • أدارة الوقت
  • التواصل والتعامل مع زملائه
  • الأيجابية والشغف لدى الطالب للتعلم
  • التفكير النقدي البناء

ان هذه المهارات ستكون ملازمة للطالب بعد تخرجه وتنعكس على تأدية عمله في المجتمع

Academic Skills

The college aims for students to understand and adapt to the differences between university life and their previous educational stage. There are essential skills that they must learn and acquire to enhance their academic performance in college, starting with reading and using references, leading up to writing research papers and articles.

Department Head

Academic Title:Professor
Academic Degree: PhD
General Specialization: Microbiology

Department Chair

No data was found

Academic Members

Academic Title:Professor
Academic Degree: PhD
التخصص العام : الطفيليات الطبية
Academic Title:Professor
Academic Degree: PhD
التخصص العام : تقنيات احيائية
Academic Title:Assistant Professor
Academic Degree: PhD
التخصص العام : مناعة
Academic Title:Assistant Professor
Academic Degree: PhD
التخصص العام : قسم تقنيات المختبرات الطبية
Academic Title:Lecturer
Academic Degree: PhD
التخصص العام : طب بيطري
Academic Title:Lecturer
التخصص العام : علوم طبية حياتية
Academic Title:Lecturer
Academic Degree: PhD
التخصص العام : كيمياء
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
التخصص العام : علوم احياء
Reem Turki Aidan
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير
التخصص العام : علوم حياة