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Ministerial Committee Member Visits AlShaab

Based on Ministerial Order No. 1571 issued on 2/5/2023 regarding the Evaluation Committee in the Colleges of Business and Economic Sciences in Iraqi universities,

Dr. Abdul Rahman Abdul Najm Al-Mashhadani, a member of the Ministerial Committee, visited AlShaab University and met with the President of the University, Dr. Youssef Khalaf Youssef, and the Dean of the College of Business, Dr. Faris Mahdi Alwan. The College of Business received a high evaluation based on the form approved by the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

After that, Dr. Al-Mashhadani conducted an inspection of the university, which included its lecture halls, colleges, departments, classrooms, the central library and other important facilities. He expressed his admiration for the scientific curricula and modern teaching methods used at AlShaab. He also praised the construction efforts to increase the number of classrooms and scientific laboratories as well as expand the number and types of programs of study. He noted how these efforts contribute to creating an ideal educational and academic environment that works to develop students’ academic and practical capabilities, supports and encourages the development of youth skills, and prepares them to engage in the labor market.

جامعة الشعب | زيارة عضو اللجنة الوزارية الى جامعة الشعب

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