College of Law & Political Sciences

Department of Political Science

Department Overview

One of the important departments at AlShaab University, the Department of Political Science aims to provide Iraq's decision-makers with rigorous scientific research and studies in areas that promote stability, security, and development. The field of political science is distinguished by its connection to the activities of the state, political, constitutional, and legal systems, as well as by its role in enhancing the democratic process and political culture within society. Students in the department are provided with a robust curriculum throughout their studies, qualifying them to earn a Bachelor's degree in the field and enabling them to work in government institutions and within the realms of the executive and legislative branches.

Admission Entries

علمي - احيائي - تطبيقي - الأدبي
The department accepts graduates of preparatory studies in its scientific branches (biology and applied science), the literary branch, and the Police Commissioners Institute.

Study GPA

Tuition Fees for the Academic Year 2024/2025

Daytime and Evening Study Choices

Admission is available for Daytime classes only at the university


Teaching political science with a rigorous scientific and academic methodology, establishing the principles and foundations of political science, its theories, fields, and objectives in alignment with the aims of justice, freedom, citizenship, and the public good of the state and society.


Providing political science students with solid foundational and academic principles, deepening modern scientific knowledge, and applying it in ways that serve the state and society.


– اعداد خريجين مؤهلين للعمل بصفة باحث ومستشار سياسي واكاديمي.
– اعداد مختصين بالعلوم السياسية مؤهلين للعمل في مؤسسات الدولة المختلفة ومنها على وجه الخصوص، وزارة الخارجية ووزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي والجامعات ومراكز البحوث والامن القومي.
– تعزيز ونشر الثقافة السياسية والممارسات الديمقراطية والمواطنة داخل المجتمع.


Students in the Department of Political Science study the approved curricula from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, following the project for the development and modernization of the knowledge resources of political science curricula in Iraqi universities. This includes 40 courses over four years, based on an annual system. Upon completion, graduates are awarded a Bachelor's degree in Political Science.