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AlShaab Faculty of Business Administration Host Workshop on Business Incubators

AlShaab University’s College of Business held a workshop entitled “Leading Thought and Business Incubators”at the central conference hall of the university. The workshop was prepared and presented by Prof. Dr. Arshad Fouad Majeed, Department of Banking and Financial Services faculty member. It was attended by professors in the college and a number of students.

The workshop dealt with the development of entrepreneurial thought and its strategic importance in activating the role of business incubators. It addressed the entrepreneurial trends of small and medium-sized enterprises, how to enable the generation of new and creative products by taking on mid-risk projects, and ways to address and overcome these risks.

At the end of the workshop, several recommendations were made, the most important of which were

the most important of which were develop flexible policies and procedures which link public and private support to entrepreneurial business incubators, ensure these policies and procedures support young entrepreneurs who wish to develop current and new ideas while adopting knowledge economy concepts, digital business and other mature and developed practices that contribute to providing logistical support for micro, small and mid-sized enterprises.

جامعة الشعب | كلية العلوم الادارية والمالية في جامعة ألشعب تقيم ورشة العمل (الفكر الريادي وحاضنات الاعمال) على قاعة الاجتماعات المركزية

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