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Information about the Department of Cybersecurity Engineering

Cybersecurity is one of the most attractive topics of attention, especially with the great and accelerated technical development witnessed by our world today, where individuals, companies and large establishments are looking for means and technologies that enable them to protect their information from any threat and is one of the most attractive topics for the attention of individuals and companies who seek to ensure the safety of their information from any risks that may lead to its demise or sabotage.

What is Cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity is the set of processes and practices that aim to preserve information from external dangers, such as destruction, theft or sabotage. Cybersecurity depends mainly on the protection of information of all kinds and wherever it is found, in a manner determined by the policy of the company or the individual owning it

History of Cybersecurity:
The term information security appeared since the beginnings of communication and the exchange of files and information, that is, since the beginning of humanity, as this historically represented the protection of confidential information, especially military ones, from being hacked or stolen by unauthorized parties, especially enemies.
Where information security initially included the protection of hardwear information from being stolen, then the concept evolved to fully include cyber information and electronic technologies.
Those interested in protecting information encrypt it and create secret codes that enable them to communicate and exchange messages in a way that ensures that it is not possible to steal it, in addition to the inability of the thief to understand and leak it, thus failing to benefit from it.

1- Preparing qualified graduates who are able to build, develop, maintain and protect computer networks and ensure information security
2- Stimulating scientific research in the field of networks and information security
3-Providing students with skills and information in various fields in Cybersecurity and developing sound attitudes towards productive and positive interactive work with the community and preparing them to practice work in the following areas:
- A professional programmer in mobile computing and its security
- Information security analyst
- Network Security Administrator
- Network and internet security applications programmer
- ICT security and protection applications

The department’s graduates are granted a bachelor’s degree in Cybersecurity Engineering, and the graduates are entitled to belong to the Iraqi Engineers Union. The duration of the study is four years, during which the student studies the basic theoretical and practical specialized subjects (programming, cyber security, network security and communication protocols, artificial intelligence, website security, encryption)
With technological and security advances, the methods of protecting information are becoming more complex than before, through the use of more effective encryption methods and thus the possibility of using ordinary means of communication to transmit it without fear of being hacked.
That is why information protection is an old matter, but it has been used effectively since the beginnings of technology development, and information security is based on
- Operating protection systems
- Software and application protection systems
- Database protection systems
- Entry protection systems

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