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The University of AlShaab welcomes Assistant Professor Dr. Nuri Abdul-Wadood Mohamed as Head of the Department of Business Administration

Dr. Nouri Abdul Wadood Mohammed, who holds a PhD in Business Administration from the University of Baghdad, joined the faculty of AlShaab University as head of the Department of Business Administration. Abdul Wadood brings a wealth of experience to the department; in addition to his teaching experience, he has supervised more than thirty master's theses and doctoral dissertations and has been published in Iraqi and Arab academic research journals. His academic interests include the field of social responsibility, organizational culture, Islamic banks, and human resources.
هذا بالإضافةِ الى اهتماماته الأكاديمية في مجال المسؤولية الاجتماعية والثقافة المنظمية – البنوك الاسلامية والموارد البشرية بشكل عام
كما ان له العديد من البحوث المنشورة في مجلات عراقية وعربية في المجالات العلمية

جامعة الشعب | جامعة الشعب ترحب بالاستاذ مساعد الدكتور نوري عبد الودود محمد بانضمامهِ رئيساً لقسمِ ادارة الأعمال

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