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Key Takeaways from the Fourth International Conference on Geographic Information Systems and Smart Cities: Support Geographic Projects and Cybersecurity Measures

Today marked the conclusion of the Fourth International Conference on Geographic Information Systems and Smart Cities, sponsored in part by AlShaab University, on prominent developments in the field of cybersecurity, information protection and organization, and the establishment of smart cities that keep pace with modernity and development regionally and globally. The conference was held in the Hall of Ceremonies at the Baghdad International Fair and was inaugurated by the National Security Adviser, and attended by international representatives.

AlShaab University hosted a workshop specialized in cybersecurity and digital transformation in which Dr. Youssef Khalaf gave a presentation in front of the audience at Al-Nahrain Center Hall in the Green Zone. He focused on the importance of digital transformation at the level of governance and enterprise management for a country like Iraq that is lagging behind in a rapidly developing world. He highlighted the need for government and private facility protection of digital resources from cyber attacks and counterfeiting

Organizers concluded the conference by presenting key takeaways and important recommendations. First was the importance of supporting geographical projects.  This can be done by facilitating the logistical requirements to enable projects to achieve the purpose for which they were established.  Examples include the use of drones and their applications, which help in aerial detection, data recording, and giving integrated information in this regard.  Second, they recommended the development of specialized centers for geography because of their importance in military uses and in identifying targets in combat,  which is particularly needed in the country’s fight against terrorism and the implementation of security measures across various regions.   The committee also stressed the importance of digital transformation, cyber security, and cyber deterrence, and created a list of action steps to be taken in the public interest.  The first step is to generate awareness of their importance and strategic value among legislators and government officials, who can generate support for such endeavors among citizens.

جامعة الشعب | دعم المشاريع الجيواغرافية وتفعيل نظام يختص بالامن السيبراني ..اهم التوصيات في ختام المؤتمر الدولي الرابع لنظم المعلومات الجغرافية والمدن الذكية

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